If you’ve ever dreamed of cycling down a cobblestone street with a fresh baguette in your basket, you’re bound to feel at home in France’s quaint countryside or charming, historic cities. With its passion for food, philosophy, art, and architecture, France is an ideal place to discover a new culture and rewrite your high school experience. By going to a local high school, you’ll be totally immersed in French language and customs, and what you learn during the day will be reinforced at night when you go home to your host family and community. You’ll be much more than a tourist snapping quick photos of the Eiffel Tower; you’ll have the opportunity to eat, drink, and breathe French culture, to learn the language and get to know the people.
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High School Intensive Programme in France
Experience "La vie en rose" by living with a host family and attending a high school in France.
Eligibility Requirements
Participants must be between the ages of 14 years 6 months and 17 years 9 months old on the day of departure.
What's included in your experience
- Airfare
- Airport Pick-up
- Host Family Placement
- Meals
- School Placement
- Individual Contact Person
- Medical Insurance
- 24/7 Emergency Support
- School Transport
- Assistance with Application Process
- Visa Application Assistance
- Pre-Departure Orientation
- Orientations during your time abroad
- Re-entry Orientation
- Access to Alumni Network
- Continuous Support
- Worldwide Presence
- 70 Years Experience
What you are responsible for
- Vaccinations
- Visa and Passport Fees
- Stipend
- School Uniform