On this page you can find a variety of resources that can be used with volunteers, exchange participants, communities, schools etc.
Feel free to adapt the materials to your specific need, but please share your new versions with the National Office so that we can all benefit from your work!
The Changemaking approach used in this programme seeks to create impact by transforming:
- The participant, through the enabling experience of starting a social venture.
- The team, as they learn important life skills and realise that they can create change.
- The community, as growing numbers of Change Teams “tip” the local culture toward greater youth leadership.
- Society at large, by fundamentally redefining the role of young people as leaders of social change.
Intercultural Learning
Africa – A Diverse Continent of Communities. A broad understanding of Africa and its diverse cultures, and an introduction to key cultural values in several African countries.
Living Together in the Rainbow Nation
During the six full days of the programme, students take part in a range of fun Intercultural Learning (ICL) activities, and changemaking training, including two days visiting community organisations and places of interest. By the end of the programme, each group will have developed an idea for a small project to implement upon return to their school.
Living-Together-in-the-Rainbow-Nation-Programme (One page Agenda)
Living-Together-in-the-Rainbow-Nation-Session-Plan-v1 (Detailed Session Plan)
Our-Community-Guidelines (Student preparation prior to programme)
1-Making-Culture-Tangible (PowerPoint)
2) TMB Panyee FC (Video)
3-Changemaking-Slides-15th-Anniversary (PowerPoint)
4-Participants-Manual-Changemaking-15th-Anniversary (PDF Document)
5) PFUZE Project Pitch (Video)
6) TEDxToronto – Drew Dudley _Leading with Lollipops (Video)
7) Venture Guide Choosing a Topic (Video)
8) Give a little love – Watching others then also helping (Video)
9) If I Could Change the World Humanities Class (Video)
10) Colour the World (Video)
11-How-is-Community-Viewed-in-Africa (Word Document)
12-African-Leaders-Print-3-1-for-each-group (Word Document)
13-Small-Project-Budget-Template (Excel Document)
14-Evaluation-Living-Together-in-the-Rainbow-Nation-Print-2-sided (Word Document)